Microwave Sickness
Microwave Sickness Info
Microwave Illness
What is Microwave Sickness?
Microwave sickness is an illness that comes from the exposure to microwaves like wifi, mobile phone radiation, antennas, masts, Bluetooth, 5G, and other radio frequencies.
Other words for the same condition is EMR syndrome, EMR injury, EMFIS, EHS, EMF syndrome, microwave syndrome, microwave illness, electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS), or radiation sickness.
The media often names the condition the Havanna syndrome because diplomats in Havanna got ill from RF (radio frequencies).

Microwave Sickness has been known since the beginning of the cold war, and is a term originally used by the military.
More and more people are getting ill of wireless technologies because the amount of exposure increases.

On this site you can read about microwave sickness.
- You will get the latest news about the science on wireless radiation and how it affects the body.
- You will also get tips on how to live with microwave sickness and how you can reduce the exposure to wireless radiation in your life.

Read about how wireless radiation can harm the body and brain here.
Learn about the mechanisms behind microwave sickness.
Read about symptoms of microwave sickness from the brain here.
How does wireless affect the brain?

Harm from wireless radiation is a violation on human rights.
Read more here!

Read about scientists` and doctors`oppinion on wifi in schools and about how it can harm.

People who suffer from microwave sickness tell their story here!

How do I reduce the exposure to wireless radiation?
Read about how you can use technology in a safer way.

Science on wireless radiation and how it affects the human body and brain.
Links to science.
Video links.

What’s the difference between real- world signals or simulated exposure?
Get the latest science and news about Microwave Sickness here
Microwave Sickness
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