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The International Declaration on the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age
By Americans for Responsible Technology and BroadBand International Legal Action Network
The International Declaration on the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age
Supplementing the 1959 U.N. Declaration on the Rights of the Child
Addressed to: the Secretary General of the U.N., Member States of the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, UNICEF, UNESCO, the European Council, WHO, and all others responsible for the protection, safety, and wellbeing of children.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees nondiscrimination, devotion to the best interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development, and respect for the views of the child. Other international appeals recognize additional or supplemental rights of children, such as the European Union Action on the Rights of the Child, and the Reykjavik Appeal on Wireless Technology in Schools.
The existence of the legal rights of children is well recognized, but not adequately or uniformly enforced, especially when those rights conflict with powerful commercial interests. In this document we set out three fundamental legal rights of children regarding the deployment and use of technology: their right to be free from intentionally addictive devices, platforms and apps; their right to be free from harmful exposures to radiation; and their right to be free from commercial exploitation.
The legal duty to protect children and enforce these rights on their behalf is the obligation of all adults, particularly parents, legal guardians and others in positions of authority. This protection of children is a basic legal principle that we believe will increasingly be recognized as a part of international customary law that can be recognized and implemented by every country on Earth.
Screen Time Addiction
Social media platforms are intentionally designed with algorithms to encourage addiction of young people and children.
The harmful effects of excess screen time are well documented in the scientific literature, including mental health disorders, addiction, depression, anxiety, memory loss, increasing rates of suicide, loss of sleep, learning disorders, irritability, anger, and other behavioral changes, cyberbullying and harassment.
The duty of care of corporate social media platform owners and operators is clear; the harms are foreseeable; the causal link between screen time addiction and consequent harms is recognized even by the social media platform owners and operators themselves who provide devices to monitor this exposure; there are few if any warnings to parents and children of the dangers; millions of children are being harmed, and their families disrupted.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued warnings regarding safe screen time for children under 3 years of age, and also for teenagers. These warnings are repeated by the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. They are being ignored.
Involuntary Exposure to Non-Ionizing Radiation (NIR)
A large and growing body of independent, peer-reviewed scientific studies demonstrates that man-made NIR has adverse biological effects.
There is an urgent need to understand better the correlation of exposure to NIR with biological effects, including acute effects such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, lack of concentration, and brain fog, as well as chronic effects including DNA damage and cancer; these physical effects are negatively synergistic with screen time addiction.
The growing number of wireless devices in and near homes, schools, daycare centers, and workplaces, together with supporting infrastructure, is increasing children’s continuous and cumulative radiation exposure from: cell phones, laptops, tablets, computers, routers, gaming consoles, wearables, internet of things, smart meters, robots, small cell and macro towers, satellite base stations.
Government agencies have set maximum recommended NIR exposure limits based on decades-old assumptions (e.g., only thermal heating of cells is bioactive, and that maximum exposure levels to adults also apply to children) that do not protect children.
Neither NIR exposure levels nor their related health impacts on children are being monitored, thus leaving parents, healthcare practitioners, and governments uninformed about the current dangers to health as well as impact on future generations.
Misleading claims of safe exposure levels made by governmental regulatory bodies and advisory bodies such as ICNIRP are amplified by the media and the purveyors of these wireless devices and services.
Commercial Exploitation
Confidential and private personal information concerning children is being monetized by data harvesters, in most countries without the informed consent of parents, guardians, and other responsible persons in direct violation of national and international policies, laws, and regulations that protect the privacy of children.
The accelerating development and ubiquitous deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) raises profound ethical questions that need to be urgently examined concerning the potential risks to children.
In most countries, many parents lack up-to-date and accurate information about the potential exploitation of their children resulting from exposure to digital devices and are thus unable to take effective action to protect their children from these risks.
Recognizing Further:
The urgent need to investigate, control, and embargo imports of electronic components and products containing minerals extracted by enforced child labor under dehumanizing conditions.
The importance of adopting the Precautionary Principle as an operative and applicable guideline for providing safe learning environments for children.
The importance of promoting the goal of safety as an overriding priority when it comes to exposing children to NIR environments.
Now therefore, the undersigned endorse and strongly advocate that the following principles and actions be immediately adopted by national and local governments and legislators, and by administrators in public and private schools around the world as constituting wise and best practices:
We recognize that children have a fundamental human right to be free from intentionally addictive devices, platforms, and apps, the right to be free from harmful exposure to radiation, and the right to be free from commercial exploitation.
We urge the immediate adoption and implementation of standards regarding children’s exposure to, and use of, social media, gaming and other platforms that encourage addiction; and further demand that advertisements aimed at increasing screen time for children be curtailed.
We call upon government officials to establish health-based NIR exposure standards, and incentivize best engineering solutions that are protective of health, especially for children and pregnant women.
We further call on school administrators to create safe learning environments that are free from or involve minimal exposure to NIR, utilizing best available monitoring technologies.
We strongly recommend broad public education on the unique health risks of continued exposure of children to addictive and harmful platforms and potentially dangerous levels of radiation, and the legal fiduciary obligations of administrators to discharge these responsibilities.
We urgently appeal to physicians and other health care providers to inform themselves and receive professional training in behavioral and physical problems related to screen time, and the new medical discipline of clinical electromagnetics.
We believe that the burden of proof of safety must shift to the manufacturers and purveyors of NIR-emitting devices.
We seek financial support and compensation for families with children evidencing serious electrohypersensitivity, and that these costs be paid for by wireless telecom purveyors, pursuant to the 1972 OECD “Polluter Pays Principle.”
We support collaborative innovation among technology providers to significantly reduce NIR emissions from wireless products and to compete on safety.
We strongly encourage innovative ways to finance this fundamental and evolutionary shift in public conscience and awareness.
We call on people of good will everywhere to express their urgent appeals for the protection of children and future generations by signing this Declaration and supporting legal and other protective actions embodying its spirit.
Read more or sign the declaration:
Link: https://www.thechildrensdeclaration.org/the-declaration

For EU Citizens
For EU Citizens – Please sign so we can stop this madness https://signstop5g.eu/…/protection-of-our-environment
#signstop5g #protectInsects

EU. European Union: "Europeans for Safe Connections" call for stronger regulation of wireless internet in schools
Updated on: 03/05/2022
“Deeply worried by the health hazards caused by electromagnetic fields on the general public and especially on children, the European citizens’ initiative “Stop (((5G))) – Stay Connected but Protected” calls for replacing wireless connections with cables in kindergartens, schools, hospitals, retirement homes, and all public buildings. We also call for educating the public on the potential adverse consequences on health associated with wireless connections; and how to minimise exposure.
We all plan a good future for our children, we want to give them the best possible education and we want them to use modern tools. But what does this mean in the light of the different opinions on the safety of exposure levels?
“Europeans for Safe Connections” is a coalition of national and international organisations that are aware of adverse consequences of the modern communication technologies. We emphasize that we are not against technology, but we advocate for safe technology and safe connections.
We believe that the introduction of mobile phones and then Wi-Fi and Bluetooth was a shot in the dark as it was not based on a thorough research of effects on common health and did not involve any extensive and thorough health monitoring program. Nowadays there are many studies that prove radiofrequency electromagnetic fields emitted by these technologies to be unsafe. Since even the latest fifth generation (5G) mobile data networks have not been tested on health and environmental impacts before being put on the market, we believe that the deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment.
In our ECI we address many other issues. In this article only one of them is discussed in the light of taking care for our children, ‘our most valuable possession’.”

Action Alert:#FiberFirst – Demand the FCC Recognize Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS)
24 May 2022
Children’s Health Defense®
“We have until June 30 to submit comments to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that wired (fiber-based) broadband should be the preferred mode of broadband delivery and to finally recognize the need for special measures to address the electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) disabled community. The FCC wants to ensure everyone has high-speed broadband access to eliminate digital discrimination but wants to use wireless technology to achieve this goal. “

Wireless radiation is neither safe nor healthy

New international institution on BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS from EMF’s - wireless is not safe
With a just recently published peer-reviewed paper the International Commission on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) is challenging the safety of current wireless exposure limits to radiofrequency radiation and is calling for an independent evaluation.
Europeans for Safe Connections, organiser of the Europeans Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) Stop 5G – Stay connected but protected, welcomes this new scientific authority on the RF EMF field. Biological effects from RF EMF on all living organisms have been known for decades. Sadly ICNIRP, WHO, the EU and all related health and environmental authorities that are supposed to protect the well-being of all life have failed to recognise these harmful biological side effects.
In its ECI Europeans for Safe Connections is asking the EU “to ensure that additional exposure guidelines are made by scientists with biomedical expertise and who are free from conflicts of interest: appoint a new panel or expand SCHEER’s activities to assess RF EMF’s bioactive parameters”. The ICBE-EMF is the organisation that could fulfill this role.
The industry independent ICBE-EMF is dedicated to ensuring that humans and other species are adequately protected from the harmful biological effects of electromagnetic fields.
ICBE-EMF’s primary purpose is to make recommendations, based on the best peer-reviewed scientific research publications, that include, and go beyond establishing numerical exposure guidelines to ensure safety. ICBE-EMF is made up of scientists, doctors and related professionals who are, or have been, involved with research related to the biological and health effects EMF.
ICBE-EMF was initiated by the advisors of the International EMF Scientist Appeal, a petition signed by more than 240 scientists who have published over 2,000 papers on EMFs, biology and health.
Its Chairman, Ronald Melnick, is an experienced toxicologist who designed the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) long-term study on rats and mice exposed to radiofrequency radiation. The study ultimately found a link between mobile phone radiation and tumors. Tumors are one of the many health effects found in the peer-reviewed paper of the ICBE-EMF.
In the scientific paper published 18 October, ICBE-EMF explained that the international standards for wireless radiation set by ICNIRP and the FCC are based on invalid assumptions and outdated science, and do not protect human health or wildlife. Protective standards should be developed and an immediate moratorium on the rollout of 5G must be caried out until proven safe.
Many of ICBE-EMF´s key scientific issues coincide with the proposals Europeans for Safe Connections is asking the EU to implement. Europeans for Safe Connections strongly advises EU to value and acknowledge this independent body of highly experienced scientists.
Europeans for Safe Connections
Pernille Schriver stop5Geci@protonmail.com
coordinator for
Stop 5G – Stay Connected but Protected www.signstop5g.eu
Action to get microwave sickness (EMS) approved at FCC.
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